

This past Saturday i joined my closest SF friends, Adam and Brandner (Matt), and I met up with some new friends (at least for me) at Biergarten (Beer Garden).  Okay, when I got there I was like wtf. Especially since it in Hayes Valley which is super cute, I was imagining something similar to Baton Rouge's Bulldog with cute patio seating and millions of beer on tap. Umm...no. Like, no offense but "concentration camp" was the first thing that came to mind. You ordered beer and food from what I'm convinced is a Pod, just painted in Prison/Military Gray. Speaking of prison, the "garden" was enclosed by a chain linked fence and the ground was asphalt except or one tiny area. Idk. Just not what I was expecting. It makes me want to open something similar and show them how it's done. #work

Well, with all of that said...we had SO much fun and apparently all if SF did, too. Biergarten was packed...to the point to where the line for beer was 45 minutes long. Like...omg. So worth it and so so fun. Even better: I can check it off as a "something new". (I've been trying to do one new thing every week).
PS - how much do you love my glasses? Don't even - they're so cute!

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