
Dark City

Well...I move to NYC and what do I get? A hurricane. Special.

I've been through a million hurricanes but as I recall those situations, I don't remember them being too bad. I don't mean the destruction, but I mean my personal experience. Back home, we would just evacuate to friend's or family's where I would have electricity, water, etc. Here, there really wasn't anywhere to go during the actual storm so we just watched it out of the window. (Friends, Ryan, Brian, and Andre let me stay at their place; mine lost power/water pretty quickly because of the location). A little way through the night we also lost power AND water so it got a littler interesting. (Helpful hint: fill up the tub with water so you'll have water to flush the toilet). The next morning, the three of us went over to Clark and Jeff's, two very generous/hilarious hosts where we enjoyed a few cocktails and a very long game of Risk. Oh...and showers and electricity. Tomorrow we're heading out to Brooklyn to watch a friends dog and apartment since they're out of the city. Hopefully being in one place will restore a little normalcy.

The point: I'm safe and sound, but a little uncomfortable. Mostly, I'm hoping it doesn't actually take until Saturday to get power.

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