Do you remember these Save the Dates? Well this weekend, Elizabeth and Miles finally tied the knot! We had the honor of designing almost all of the paper for the wedding: save the dates, invitations, RSVP cards, etc., etc. This post is about all that said paper!

And here you have everything else. What do you think?! Tasteful, formal, elegant, and wonderful. I'm running out of adjective to use for this wedding, and I think the paper products reflect the overall theme perfectly. I wish I could take more credit for the designs, but I cannot - this was 100% Beau's creative genius (while channeling Elizabeth's specifications). Speaking of the bride - we couldn't have asked for a better client. If you're reading this and know Elizabeth, you'll know what I'm talking about, but her decisiveness is almost intoxicating. I want to be just like her...unfortunately, I still take nine minutes to choose a toothbrush! The point is, she knew exactly what she wanted, and Beau just made it come to life.
We love both Elizabeth and Miles so much, and we're so happy we were able to design her wedding paper. We love you - CHEERS!
As as side note, we'll be posting two more days related to this wedding. Yes - it was THAT good!
Email us at to inquire about custom designs for all types of stationary, invites, and announcements!
OHHH these pictures are so beautiful. I know they are our creations collectively, but even if they weren't I would be in love with the designs. The ONE thing that I was stuck on from the begining was for everything to "flow" and be apparent throughout all of the wedding suite creations. We accomplished that, obviously, and it makes me SO happy! Thank you SO much for giving us gifts that we will forever cherish! Love you PS. can't wait for the other posts!