Before I get into MawMaw's, I have to give a shout-out to my Uncle John (Jeri's sister, Bridget's husband). Beau and I met up there with my and his family to watch a US soccer game and eat some of the most delicious burgers I've ever eaten (prepared by John). PS - there's not much I'd rather do on a Saturday afternoon than attend a cookout with my family. Pics need a little work because it was dark, but I'll be sharing them soon enough!

However, back to MawMaw's - along with countless appetizers that we made and brought, she prepared her famous Roast and Potatoes au Gratin (along with a side salad, and a sauteed green beans. This is a meal she'd prepare for Jeri, her brother, and two "sissies" (and of course PawPaw) when they were growing up. I've had it a million times and it gets better every single time. I'm laughing because as I'm typing this, I'm literally salivating - it's so good! I love getting together with everyone. I don't think there's one single time we've all gotten together where I haven't been in stitches the whole time from laughing. Coincidentally, next week is my cousin, Olivia's birthday, so we were all able to celebrate her turning a year older! My Aunt Jamie (Jeri's other sissy) prepared two desserts for the occasion, and they were DELICIOUS as always. Clearly, elastic waistbands will just be a part of my life...permanently.
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