October is finally here, and it couldn't come with a better present: cooler temperatures and beautiful sunshine! For those who don't know, I cannot stand hot, humid, and overcast Louisiana muggy days. Fortunately for me, there are only about 8 months out of the year when it's like this...cough. I can't even talk about it. All I care about is that I wore a sweater to walk the dogs over the weekend and this morning, and I was able to leave all the windows open in my house allowing the cool breeze blow through. Ahh...bliss.
I'm in a good mood from not sweating, football season is upon us, and Christmas decorations are in the stores...this can mean only one thing: Fall has arrived!! This may have to be my favorite season for so many reasons: Enjoying the weather on the front porch with a

I got a little carried away with all this Fall season talk, so sorry for JUST getting to my point: Fall decor. This is my motto: we can decorate for Fall, not Halloween. Nothing against the holiday, and if you like it, go for it! I just find it extremely challenging to find any chic Halloween decorations. Not even Pottery Barn can do it for me. To keep the earthy, organic feel that I inherently get from fall, we like to use nature-inspired decor. If I'm going to use pumpkins, I'm going to use real pumpkins. I don't care for fake, "plasicy", faux pumpkins. Why do that when you can go anywhere (even Walmart) and buy a few real pumpkins. They're only cost between $1 to $5, and you can just toss them when you bust out the Christmas decor...no storing required! Now the twig pumpkins above are a little different. They're still made from natural materials and are not a substitution for the real deal. Another recommendation: keep it simple. Keeping it simple keeps it classy and chic without getting hoaky and cluttered.
Some other ideas: We changed out the split peas for red beans to use as a centerpiece for the table, and placed dried corn with the husks in a rectangular glass bowl and used as a centerpiece on a table. Hope this helps. Feel free to email us (themendednest@gmail.com) if you have any questions or suggestions!
The weather is amazing right now, and the perfect time to change the energy in the house! Earthy tones are my favorite.